The CLIP image encoder and text encoder are frozen during training. The image memory, the text memory and the adapter network are learned. Given a class name, τi returns the ith out of K predefined text prompts.
User command oriented robot grasping using Proto-CLIP predictions in the real world. [ 4 Scenes ]
(a) Image and text
prototypes from zero-shot CLIP, which are not aligned
(b) Aligned image and
text prototypes from
fine-tuned Proto-CLIP
Barnes-Hut t-SNE visualization using fine-tuned Proto-CLIP
trained on FewSOL [198 classes] dataset.
Here, image and text prototypes
are aligned closer to each other. Objects with similar shapes are closer.
Semantics are captured as well, e.g.
vegetables/fruits are closer to each other.
Zoom-In to take a closer look.
title={Proto-CLIP: Vision-Language Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Learning},
author={Jishnu Jaykumar P and Kamalesh Palanisamy and Yu-Wei Chao and Xinya Du and Yu Xiang},
This work was supported in part by the DARPA Perceptually-enabled Task Guidance (PTG) Program under contract number HR00112220005.